The foolishness is mine!
To the earthly mind tongues doesn’t sound like much but remember it IS a heavenly language and much can be revealed and put into place through and alongside tongues.
For example, praying in tongues about a particular situation or person will ALWAYS throw light in a beneficial way and do some good (although you may not appreciate what it is that’s going on) whereas praying with the logical, rational mind/soul will not necessarily do good – in some cases it could do the opposite if someone were wanting their own way in a particular matter. Purity of intention really matters – and you wouldn’t always easily know this.
With tongues you are leaving decisions, strategies and all the knock-on effects to me. If you really believe I’m bigger, that I know more than you do and that I am in charge of everything then this must be good!
Yes of course I like to partner with you in prayer but I need your desire and your open-ness and your acknowledgement of my sovereignty to bring heaven to earth.