Any prayer with any other person unites in a way that goes way beyond agreement, way beyond having a common cause, way beyond dreams and imaginings – but shared prayer in tongues breaks open realms and dimensions in the spirit you would not even believe existed.
A person who has touched heaven through tongues or deep contemplative prayer can be united with creation and people in a way beyond words.
If you are united with me then you are united with all in a special way through my love. It’s the oneness with my spirit that creates a way of pouring love anywhere, to anyone – and receiving love yourself. In this spiritual dimension it is all my love we are talking about – human love goes a long way but my love is out of this world – more than enough for any situation or circumstance.
People from anywhere can pray in tongues together – there will be harmony in tune and spirit – and, unlike the tower of Babel experience, people truly do ascend to the Highest of Heights in worship!