I love you. You are my dear child. The whole point of everything is my love for you and my longing for you to receive my love in bigger and bigger chunks! I want to be one with you.
If you are asking me why I don’t just sort it then if I can do anything I want – well, I give each person free choice. I want your own decisions and desires to know me and to love me. Love can’t be satisfied by automatic or half-hearted responses. I want a relationship with you so that we can walk together and be together. I want to sing in you and make you happy. I want to speak words of encouragement and love into you that will cheer you up and make everything seem brighter and more hopeful. I want to enchant you with my great love for you – and for your family and friends.
So tongues is a way I can speak words through you that create good realities in the heavenly dimension, words that bring you peace and bring you closer to me. I just love you and love you with an everlasting love.
If you’re not sure about this ask me for a sign or signs throughout the next days and I will give them to you. Many good people throughout history have asked me in good faith for a sign and received them. My signs to my children are always very personal and individual and have a touch of my gentleness and niceness about them. Some people call this ‘blessing’. Every person is important to me.