I assure you that tongues used to be used in every type of church and I tell you that there are some believers still in every type of church who pray in tongues, although many keep quiet about it if there is no expectation of tongues in their church.
Remember that the enemy who comes to lie, steal and destroy hates praying in tongues and skilfully places distractions, objections and opposition to praying in tongues, even more so than against praying with the intellect. I know it takes perseverance and overcoming the sense of foolishness to continue praying in tongues but the Father is never outdone in generosity.
Human nature likes order, control and the familiar and these are not in themselves bad things but if tongues is not familiar then there is frequently rejection.
My people needed to be really hungry in the wilderness to accept manna (what is it?) from heaven – and to collect it fresh each day. They still would have chosen the familiar meat and vegetable dishes they had been used to in Egypt. Many would have preferred their old familiar slavery to not knowing where they were going. (Exodus 16)
Have great compassion and love for the traditional churches and synagogues and mosques. I can always be found in these by genuine seekers and pray-ers.